Thursday, August 11, 2022

A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart


- Man, like this... 

- No speedy kiss... 

- Do know that thee I understand... 

- Collide us both against a supernova with glam... 

- Inside my heart... 

- Feelings do start... 

- Coca-Cola ain't good... 

- Not our mood... 

- Definitely we should... 

- Appetite not for food... 

- Come on and let's rock... 

- Status shady shock... 

- Drifting inside our spaceship... 

- Going deep and deep... 

- Call me more than thy sweet... 

- Ribbons by the sand... 

- Where I begin and you end... 

- Forgetting Radiohead's song... 

- Loving you to the bone... 

- Mix and tape... 

- Balance our shape... 

- Porto as part of my soul... 

- Never growing old... 

- Remember when you me did told this:

"Be more than number 6" 

"Don't let serpent's hiss" 

"Surely that we can do"

"When it's only me and you" 

"There's a written letter by our drawer's room" 

"Beginning with the sentence (love you to the moon)" 

- Forged I all sandglass' time... 

- Minutes and hours outside any rhyme... 

- Roaming ideas as fact... 

- Where our love moves, there's tact... 

- Sometimes you my mind mix... 

- That's when I give you a million star kiss.. . 

- Not caring about oblivion's atmosphere... 

- Being here and there... 

- Definitely everywhere... 

- Ladies say that they also love you... 

- Don't know what to do... 

- From the early beginning... 

- Absolute feeling... 

- Morning us healing... 

- Beach that us awake... 

- Weather melting us inside a milkshake... 

- Do know that I can... 

- Space jam... 

- Throughout Santa Catarina's street... 

- Me you treat... 

- Publicly do I you feel... 

- Being the real deal... 

- No navy's seal... 

- When you whisper to me about a pagan church of lore... 

- Do know that I want you even more... 

- Once again thought on thy written letter... 

- Perfumed with nice weather... 

- Words moving from left to write... 

- Up and down being our insight... 

- Name of mine written below... 

- Alexandra pure as snow... 

- Tell me where to again grow... 

- Written thy signature name's Manuel... 

- Clearly know that I'm thy belle... 

- Gathering time inside my left hand... 

- Love you even more when the door does bend...

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A direct love speech from Alexandra to our shared heart

  - My Man , you do know... - Kiss me again... - Together we're more than some random show... - Virtue's in yours and my name... - R...