Saturday, August 27, 2022

A direct love speech from Irina to our shared heart


- My Man, me you must marry... 

- No need for bread jelly... 

- Olga will I become... 

- Princess with our ring's zone... 

- Nurturing our moment... 

- Deepest love event... 

- Seeking thy essence... 

- Magnifying our presence... 

- Arrow pointed I into your heart... 

- When we both did together start... 

- History moment time... 

- You must always be mine... 

- Don't care what other women to you say... 

- Love you every single day... 

- Thy body as my forged steel... 

- Mutual hollow hill...

- Into street's show... 

- We both know... 

- Feelings do grow... 

- Happy for me you're...

- Loving me as thy solid star... 

- Through the river... 

- Mainly do we both shiver... 

- Naked being mature... 

- Energy is our nature... 

- Tell me about Odin's eye... 

- Loki's lie... 

- That Thor did forgot... 

- Baldur's knot... 

- Tempest me awake... 

- Freya being my shape... 

- Kiss me time 20...

- Feel you plenty... 

- Filling my lungs... 

- Oxygen bombs... 

- Lurking into my chest... 

- You do say that I'm the best... 

- Continue I... 

(No lie) 

- Preparing your new suit... 

- While playing a flute... 

- Bow by our bed... 

- Kissing you mad... 

- Thy savage breed... 

- Hallow being my need... 

- Want us to feed... 

- Laughing and dancing... 

- Glancing... 

- Tattered dreams us create... 

- Forest ain't never late... 

- Kiss and me caress... 

- Know that you love my dress... 

- Never create you mess... 

- Angels don't thread... 

- Pin is red... 

- Dancing with you in circles continuously... 

- Be my eternal husband inside a long rhapsody... 

- 2024..

- Love me even more...

- Knock I at our door.. 

- Want you even more... 

- Special you're... 

- Do know that vision ain't far... 

- Shamanic state of me and you... 

- Naked truth... 

- Thinking every single moment in you and me... 

- Floating life around our vast sea... 

- Eternally.... 

- Swedes sailing with a storm... 

- Paganism being us reborn... 

- Soul of you and me... 

- Be my Portuguese sailor to be... 

- Do know that we're each others energy... 

- Love when u kiss my hand... 

- Eternity is where time does bend..

- Kiss me times 9..

- Being I thy sugar lime.. 

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