Saturday, August 6, 2022

A direct love speech from Didi Wray to our shared heart


- Man, speed me again... 

- Tell me about our train... 

- What do I need? 

- Be my sugar's seed... 

- Everything moves me.. 

- Let's pop up at the sea... 

- Don't tell me fandom entropy... 

- Know about your skills... 

- Heavenly Porto's hills... 

- Wanna be on top... 

- Checking latest pop... 

- At Buenos Aires with you... 

- Something completely new... 

- Tell me true... 

- Cortazar lost a book too... 

- Borges inside the sand... 

- Casares used a tool... 

- Without a loose end... 

- Being us way cool... 

- Want you to wash my face... 

- Me you must embrace... 

- Sometimes I understand... 

- God's plan... 

- Others think I not... 

- About what time has forgot... 

- Wrap my heart inside a simple napkin... 

(Not inside any bloody dream) 

- Give it only to you... 

- Mood's being new... 

- Kiss me times 6...

- Easy ain't being thy miss... 

- Do move me... 

- Unleash no fantasy... 

- Cat's identity... 

- Language of us being free... 

- Don't you dare to me tell... 

- Figure I no duel... 

- Inside some movie... 

- Bodies of us being groovie... 

- Let's kiss the sun... 

- Share a friggin chewing gum... 

- Don't wanna you forget... 

- Be more than my spoiled brat... 

- Teach me Portuguese... 

- Wanna feel you at ease... 

- Into me... 

- Drive I our energy... 

- Child to awake... 

- Into man's shape... 

- Nurturing no lake... 

- Forget I... 

- No lie... 

- Series TV... 

- Where I'm you... 

- And you're me... 

- Truthfully true... 

- Not only by the sea... 

- Guarding more than pagan poetry... 

- Lyrically say you to me: 

"Telepathy ain't anarchy" 

"Drive me one time more" 

"Want you by the door" 

"Lurk I at number 4" 

"When we're making out by the floor" 

"Bury inside me" 

"Circles energy" 

"Evidently do I see" 

"The verb "to be""

"Kiss times 2" 

"In between me and you" 

"Wanna again stand" 

"Not where there's some band" 

"World without end" 

"Nancy was at Taiwan

- Man, love me again... 

- Streets bear no shame... 

- Wanna gaze in vain... 

- Bake I bread... 

- Salty jump I into our bed... 

- In between sand, sea and sun... 

- Be my only one... 

- Park my heart... 

- Never depart... 

- Be more than art...

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